January 08, 2021
New Grants expand the EPA’s network of Community Recycling Centres
We are excited to be supporting the NSW EPA Community Recycling Centre (CRC) Program again, with the latest round of their grants program. Our Customised E-Waste Stations are proving very effective in council foyers and libraries, forming a key component of the smaller Community Recycling Centres, which aim to provide permanent drop off centres for common household problem wastes, which cannot be collected via council kerbside programs.
The Community Recycling Centre Program aims to provide 90% or more of NSW households with access to a service where they can drop off their problem waste free of charge. The program also aims to raise community awareness about the importance of resource recovery, and provide a sustainable solution for household problem waste.
The latest and fifth round of the funding program is open to Councils, not for profits and the private sector.
As part of this program, our team have been working with successful local councils to establish E-Waste stations, cobranded with the EPA and Council’s logos.
Manufactured in Australia of Commercial Melamine, these units provide a recycling unit for the collection of small household items such as batteries, phones, smoke detectors and lights bulbs. Using our door, side panel and top plate graphic options and leveraging established EPA symbols and messages, these units act as both a collection point and a point of community education about the programs.
For more information about our customised E-waste Stations, simply contact our team to chat.
For more information on future grants and the eligibility criteria, visit the Community Recycling Centre Program.