Source Separation Systems

Australian landfill deposited during your visit

Custom Louvre Cabinetry Recycling Station

October 20, 2022

The Louvre…For When Aesthetics Are The Priority!

Our team get regular calls from people who have invested in beautiful new modern office fit outs, however on moving in they find there has been little or no consideration to recycling. Often bins are hidden, with such limited capacity that multiple streams are unachievable.

The very concept of throwing your waste away without even thinking about it is outdated. As the looming risk of global warming becomes more evident, the community is demanding businesses embrace more sustainable work practices and show leadership in product stewardship.

On the flipside, those companies who are ahead of this trend and embracing sustainable change have more loyal and engaged customers and employees.

The good news when it comes to resource recovery, is that there doesn’t have to be a trade off!

Ellie and our production team are experts in manufacturing bespoke or customised products which can be designed to match or complement the existing fit out.

All systems are made to order in Australia by our team, not only are these systems effective – designed by industry experts – they also look great! The units include a range of features to ensure recycling is optimized, including differentiated apertures, Australian standard waste coloured and labelled streams.

The following Louvre Stations are a few of our favourites.

Customised Louvre Recycling Stationoffice bin options, Australian made binsLouvre Bins, Australian made binsLouvre with custom pannelscommercial bins





Louvre Steel Airport Recyclingshopping centre bins, Australian made binsairport bins, Australian made bins

Stainless Steel Louvre 3 StreamCustom Louvre Cabinetry 3 Stream










If you are in the earlier stages of considering an office fit out, the Slide and Sort system is also a great unit for kitchen spaces.

Achieving that streamlined modern look, the unit is built into drawers so a full recycling solution can be revealed on the quick pull of a handle. It’s a solution that  interior designers and sustainability managers will both love!

Hidden office binscommercial waste bins