December 08, 2020
Three Tips for a more Sustainable Christmas
It is December so, as usual, the team at Source Separation Systems have gone a little Christmas Crazy!
Like many other Australian families however, the festive season will look quite different this year for many of our team. Rather than travelling for large extended family celebrations, we will all be slowing down at home as close family and friends drop in for smaller gatherings over an extended festive period.
As usual, it will also be a challenging time to be sustainable with consumerism promoted at every turn however, a little preplanning and a few small changes can have a large impact. Here are our top three tips for a more Sustainable Christmas.
1. A Native Australian Christmas Tree
The tree is such a symbolic part of Christmas. Rather than gathering around a plastic tree, or one which has been sacrificed for the season, why not choose a real plant, which will grow with your family.
Our gorgeous family tree is a Banksia Spinulosa (Golden Candlestick), which has been pruned over the years to provide a lovely height and shape to highlight our decorations. Normally a feature of our garden, this native is moved indoors next to a sunny window in December, providing a focal point for giving. We decorate with our collection of gold bubbles, and twinkling crystals salvaged off an old chandelier which originally hung at our wedding. Such lovely memories!
2. Reusable Wrapping Paper
It is estimated that Australians will use more than 150,000 km of paper as we wrap presents this year…. So much in fact that we could circle the earth multiple times!
Instead, why not make your own reusable wrapping paper. Whilst an initial investment, this one change can dramatically reduce the amount of waste generated in your recycling bin. It is surprisingly easy to make your own wrap, and a great craft activity to get older kids involved in. You can read more about how to make our simple reusable wrap here.
3. Reduce Food Waste with Old-Fashion Recipes
Food waste is of course another challenge across this period. There is so much advice about preplanning meals, which is certainly key, however it is difficult to pre-plan if, like us, you entertain lots of pop-in visitors.
To assist, we have a few long-life recipes prepared as a tradition every year, which ensure that we limit the perishable fresh food we buy for ‘just in case’ events. Our favourites are Nana’s Preserved Baby Cucumbers and Matt’s Stolen Sweet Chilli Jam. Not only are these recipes super easy, but they can also transform a single block of cheese into a gourmet cheese platter to be pulled out with unexpected crowds. Even better, with an extended life, they don’t get lost in the fridge with a limited expiration date. Quickly wrapped, they are also the perfect emergency present for any visitors arriving with gifts. Check out our recipes here. Matt’s Chilli Jam. Nana’s Pickled Cucumber
From the team at Source Separation Systems, we wish you all very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May it be filled with lovely memories to cherish however you celebrate.