Source Separation Systems

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Compostable Bin Liners

Compost-A-Pak® is proudly an Australian family owned business. Since 2017 we have been assisting Australian Local Councils and leading business to reduce Landfill rates and limit plastic through the simple transition to a more sustainable option.

These innovative bin liners are made predominantly of waste corn, and are completely plastic free. They are Australian Certified compostable to the strictest Home Composting (AS5810) and Industrial Composting standards (AS4736).

Compost-A-Pak® has a reputation for consistent high quality. Manufactured to our unique minimum micron (um) standards, and scientifically tested, with millions of bags in use, you can be confident that you have the quality required to collect and transport your items with minimum breakages and tears.

Compost-A-Pak®’s manufacturing processes are driven by our passion for sustainability.

All Compost-A-Pak® products are made from a natural starch-based polymer derived from corn. We choose corn, as it is an annually renewable crop, unlike trees, which can take years to grow. The actual crops are sourced from international GMO-free regions with high levels of rain, to minimise irrigation, and the corn selected is third grade corn. This is basically spoilt corn, a waste product traditionally left by farmers to rot, that is not suitable for human or animal consumption.

Using purpose built biodegradable resin extruders, a resin is extracted from the combination of corn starch, biodegradable ingredients and some propriety elements, and from this blown film bags are formed in a range of designs and sizes. We are really proud that through re-engineering this purpose-built equipment, our liners are made with significantly less electricity consumption, compared to manufacturing on conventional extrusion equipment. The products are also printed in soy based inks, with environmental messages and information promoting their difference as a sustainable alternative to plastics. They have a recommended shelf life of twelve months.

Most importantly Compost-A-Pak® liners are Certified Compostable to the stricter Australian standards, for both home composting (AS5810) and commercial composting (AS4736), as well as the relevant European, American and Japanese standards for commercial composting.

In the same way as vegetable scraps, the products in their entirety will break down into humus, water and carbon dioxide in a commercial composting facility in a matter of weeks. These certifications ensure you can be confident there will be no harmful residue as the liners break down. In fact the bags are also safe for use in organic farms, food contact, animal feed and can also be also used in worm farms.

Which Recycling Streams should you choose?


Ensuring end to end waste collection processes are streamlined, simple and efficient is an essential part of ensuring your recycling program is optimised and free from contamination.

These compostable Bin Liners are manufactured in bright Red, the Australian Standard colour for waste sent to Landfill, and are printed clearly with ‘LANDFILL’. They are the perfect way to differentiate your Landfill waste from precious recyclables as they are collected and transported into consolidated bins.

The worlds resources are limited. Sending items to Landfill limits the reuse of precious resources, and also creates environmental risks given the toxins, micro-plastics and gases associated with Landfill sites, which can escape into the wider environment. The aim of sustainability programs should be to minimise Landfill streams, and in leading organisations Landfill is eliminated with conscious sustainable ordering practices, such as compostable liners, as well as recycling programs.

Which Compostable Bin Liners should you choose?





Product Code
CPK8L-R52-45O8 Litres
Retail Carton23408 Litre Liners - Roll of 52 x 45
CPK8L-R52-62C8 Litres
Carton32248 Litre Liners - Roll of 52 x 62
CPK8L-R528 Litres
Roll528 Litre Liners - Roll of 52
CPK8L-E75-40C8 Litres
Carton30008 Litre Liners - Envelope Satchel of 75 x 40
CPK8L-E758 Litres
Envelope758 Litre Liners - Envelope Satchel of 75
CPK8L-RSN100-25C8 Litres
Carton25008 Litre Liners - Roll of 100 x 25
CPK8L-RSN1008 Litres
Carton1008 Litre Liners - Roll of 100
CPK8L-R150-20C8 Litres
Carton30008 Litre Liners - Roll of 150 x 20
CPK27L-R2027 Litres
Roll2027 Litre Liners - Roll of 20
CPK27L-R20-24027 Litres
Retail Carton48027 Litre Liners - Roll of 20 x 24
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Which Compostable Bin Liners should you choose?

CPK8L-R52-45O 8 Litre Liners - Roll of 52 x 45
CPK8L-R52-62C 8 Litre Liners - Roll of 52 x 62
CPK8L-R52 8 Litre Liners - Roll of 52
CPK8L-E75-40C 8 Litre Liners - Envelope Satchel of 75 x 40
CPK8L-E75 8 Litre Liners - Envelope Satchel of 75
CPK8L-RSN100-25C 8 Litre Liners - Roll of 100 x 25
CPK8L-RSN100 8 Litre Liners - Roll of 100